
Our 15th annual contest took place on Sunday, October 8, 2023 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 262 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $100,000 in cash prizes.  First prize was won by Jessica Wan (a 12th grader from Florida).  View our list of winners.  Try the Math Prize 2023 problems.  Consult the Math Prize 2023 solutions.

We invited our top 45 students to take the 2023 Math Prize Olympiad on Thursday, November 30, 2023. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. View the list of Olympiad medalists.  Try the Math Prize Olympiad 2023 problems.  Consult the Math Prize Olympiad 2023 solutions.

Our 14th annual contest took place on Sunday, October 9, 2022 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 240 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $100,000 in cash prizes.  First prize was won by Jessica Wan (an 11th grader from Florida).  View our list of winners.  Try the Math Prize 2022 problems.  Consult the Math Prize 2022 solutions.

We invited our top 36 students to take the 2022 Math Prize Olympiad on Friday, December 2, 2022. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. View the list of Olympiad medalists.  Try the Math Prize Olympiad 2022 problems.  Consult the Math Prize Olympiad 2022 solutions.

Our 13th annual contest was scheduled to take place on Sunday, October 10, 2021 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 291 girls from across the US and Canada were invited to competed for $50,000 in cash prizes.  Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Math Prize contest and in-person event were cancelled.  We hosted some virtual math talks for our participants instead.    

Even though there was no official Math Prize contest, we did release a 2021 Math Prize exam for practice. Try the Math Prize 2021 problems.  Consult the Math Prize 2021 solutions.

Because there was no official 2021 Math Prize contest, there was no 2021 Math Prize Olympiad either.

Our 12th annual contest was scheduled to take place on Sunday, October 11, 2020 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 307 girls from across the US and Canada were invited to competed for $50,000 in cash prizes.  Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Math Prize contest and in-person event were cancelled.  We hosted some virtual math talks for our participants instead.      

Because there was no 2020 Math Prize exam, there was no 2020 Math Prize Olympiad either.

Our 11th annual contest took place on Sunday, October 13, 2019 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 268 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $50,000 in cash prizes.  First prize was won by Jessica Wan (an 8th grader from Puerto Rico).  View our list of winners.  Try the Math Prize 2019 problems.  Consult the Math Prize 2019 solutions.

We invited our top 45 students to take the 2019 Math Prize Olympiad on Wednesday, November 13, 2019. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. View the list of Olympiad medalists.  Try the Math Prize Olympiad 2019 problems.  Consult the Math Prize Olympiad 2019 solutions.



Our 10th annual contest took place on Sunday, September 23, 2018 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 285 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $55,000 in cash prizes.  First prize was won by Yuxuan Zheng (an 11th grader from New Jersey).  Second prize was won by Catherine (Katie) Wu (a 12th grader from California). View our list of winners.  Try the Math Prize 2018 problems.  Consult the Math Prize 2018 solutions.

We invited our top 45 students to take the 2018 Math Prize Olympiad on Thursday, November 15, 2018. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours.  View the list of Olympiad medalists.  Try the Math Prize Olympiad 2018 problems.  Consult the Math Prize Olympiad 2018 solutions.




Our 9th annual contest took place on Sunday, September 24, 2017 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 266 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $55,000 in cash prizes.

Sharing first prize were Catherine (Katie) Wu (an 11th grader from California), Megan Joshi (a 12th grader from California), and Claire Zhou (an 11th grader from Texas). View our list of winners.

Try the Math Prize 2017 problems. Consult the Math Prize 2017 solutions.

We invited our top 43 students to take the 2017 Math Prize Olympiad on Thursday, November 16, 2017. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. Try the Math Prize Olympiad 2017 problems.  Consult the Math Prize Olympiad 2017 solutions.  View the list of Olympiad medalists.



Our 8th annual contest took place on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 274 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $55,000 in cash prizes.

Qi Qi (a 12th grader from Canada) and Catherine (Katie) Wu (a 10th grader from California) shared first prize. View our list of winners.

Download the Math Prize 2016 problems. Download the Math Prize 2016 solutions.

We invited our top 42 students to take the 2016 Math Prize Olympiad on Wednesday, November 16, 2016. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2016 problems. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2016 solutions. View the list of Olympiad medalists.

Our 7th annual contest took place on Sunday, September 20, 2015 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 271 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $55,000 in cash prizes.

Rachel Zhang, a 12th grader from Missouri, won first prize. View our list of winners.

Download the Math Prize 2015 problems. Download the Math Prize 2015 solutions.

We invited our top 44 students to take the 2015 Math Prize Olympiad on Thursday, November 12, 2015. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2015 problems. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2015 solutions. View the list of Olympiad medalists.

Our 6th annual contest took place on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 271 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $49,000 in cash prizes.

Celine Liang, an 11th grader from California, won first prize. View our list of winners.

Download the Math Prize 2014 problems. Download the Math Prize 2014 solutions.

We invited our top 42 students to take the 2014 Math Prize Olympiad on Thursday, November 13, 2014. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2014 problems. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2014 solutions. View the list of Olympiad medalists.

Our 5th annual contest took place on Saturday, September 7, 2013 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 276 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $49,000 in cash prizes.

Danielle Wang, an 11th grader from California, won first prize. View our list of winners.

Download the Math Prize 2013 problems. Download the Math Prize 2013 solutions.

We invited our top 49 students to take the 2013 Math Prize Olympiad on Thursday, November 14, 2013. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2013 problems. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2013 solutions. View the list of Olympiad medalists .

Our 4th annual contest took place on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 263 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $49,000 in cash prizes.

Victoria Xia, an 11th grader from Virginia, won the $25,000 first prize. View our list of winners.

Download the Math Prize 2012 problems. Download the Math Prize 2012 solutions.

We invited our top 44 students to take the 2012 Math Prize Olympiad on Wednesday, November 7, 2012. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2012 problems. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2012 solutions. View the list of Olympiad medalists .

Our 3rd annual contest took place on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 277 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $49,000 in cash prizes.

Victoria Xia, a 10th grader from Virginia, won the $25,000 first prize. See our press release. View our list of winners.

Download the Math Prize 2011 problems. Download the Math Prize 2011 solutions.

We invited our top 43 students to take the 2011 Math Prize Olympiad on Thursday, November 11, 2011. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2011 problems. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2011 solutions. View the list of Olympiad medalists .

Our 2nd annual contest took place on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at New York University in New York City. 210 girls from across the US and Canada competed for $49,000 in cash prizes.

Danielle Wang, an 8th grader from California, won the $25,000 first prize. See our press release. View our list of winners.

Download the Math Prize 2010 problems. Download the Math Prize 2010 solutions.

We invited our top 35 students to take the first-ever Math Prize Olympiad on Thursday, December 9, 2010. The Olympiad is a proof-oriented contest, consisting of 4 problems to be solved in 4 hours. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2010 problems. Download the Math Prize Olympiad 2010 solutions. View the list of Olympiad medalists.

Our first-ever contest took place on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at New York University in New York City. It was a huge success. 220 girls from across the country competed for $44,000 in cash prizes.

Elizabeth Synge of Massachusetts won the $20,000 first prize. Download the press release. View the list of winners

Download the Math Prize 2009 problems. Students received 150 minutes to solve the 20 problems (without a calculator). Download the Math Prize 2009 solutions.

At our talk for parents, Richard Rusczyk spoke about "Problem Solving: A 21st Century Education". Download his slides (4.1 MB) and watch his video lecture. A transcript (3 MB) of his lecture is available, thanks to Beth Pauka.